The Story: The Bible as one continuing story of God and His people.
The concept of this book is to tell the major parts of the story of God in chronological order. The text is the New International Version. There are 31 chapters in the book, starting with creating and ending with the end of times. The other 29 chapters fir in the "big stuff" the authors thought the reader should know about God.
I have seen this book advertised for some time and was very excited to finally get a copy to read for myself. After reading it, I was very disappointed with this "bible." I have read many different versions and translations and I found The Story as one of the worse. So many details and events were skipped that I got lost a few times and had to refer to a real bible to refresh my memory about the situation.
I really have nothing good to write about The Story. There are better chronological bibles. There are better beginner/introductory bibles. There are better witnessing bibles. There are certainly much better study bibles. There are easier to read bibles. The only reason I can determine why this "bible" was compiled is to generate revenue.
The Story is being pushed by Zondervan, Christian Book Discounters, and others as an entire curriculum. Max Lucado and Randy Frazee wrote the forward which is less than one page and 200 words that really don't tell you much.
Overall, I do not recommend The Story to anyone for any reason.