The premise of this book is to give the reader true stories of God's active role in this world. The author calls these interventions "Godwinks."
There are nine chapters in this book, each dealing with its own particular topic or wink from God.
- Personal
- Hope and Reassurance
- Transitions
- Comfort
- Prayer
- Unanswered Prayer
- Just in Time
- Family
- Quest
The word "wink" is used in several places throughout the Bible. In most cases the reference is used in a way that is to describe a person looking the other way when evil or something bad is being done. So, I am not sure I like the term "Godwink" to describe this intervention in our lives.
Overall, this book is simply a collection of feel good type stories. Even though the book is over 200 pages, it is a quick read.
If you are interested in this type and style of book, then you will certainly enjoy reading it. If, on the other hand, you enjoy books with more substance and biblical reference and examples, then you will probably not enjoy this book too much.