August 22, 2013

Book Review

At The Throne of Grace: A book of Prayers by John MacArthur

Inside the book jacket summarizes this book perfectly. "At the Throne of Grace is your invitation to more intimate, more worshipful prayer." There is no better summary description.

The book is divided into 6 sections.
Prayers on Worship and the Attributes of God
Prayers on Joy and Longing
Prayers on the Cross and the Gospel
Prayers on Personal Holiness
Prayers on Useful Service
Prayers on Holy Seasons

Before each prayer there is a passage of Scripture. MacArthur then prays through that Scripture and includes other portions of Scripture as well.

This is a powerful and deep practice of praying. It isn't just shallow prayers about asking God for "stuff", it is praising God and worshiping Him during prayer time.

I recommend this book to anyone who is interested in deepening their prayer life.

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