April 25, 2022

The Quest for the Perfect Shave Continues

Ten years after I started the quest for the perfect shave, it continues. Over the past few years I have focused on mainly using the Gillette Fusion 5 or ProGlide razors. They seemed to work the best and I get them on sale for about $2.00 a cartridge.

I did try out the Personna EasyFit 5 blade that is supposed to be comparable to the Gillette Fusion 5. It is not. The head is larger and does not give as close of a shave as the Gillette, nor does it last as long. The Fusion 5 is much better than the Personna EasyFit 5.

I also took a year to test out a variety of Double Edge Razor blades. Most of them were good and gave a close shave. A few blades really stood out like the Wilkinson Sword and the Astra Superior Platinum. 

While the Double Edge razor blades gave a close, cheap shave, they don't give you a quick shave. You need to take your time while shaving with a double edge blade. I realize many people will disagree with this statement and say that the double edge is actually faster than other razors. I guess that is a matter of opinion, but I found it took longer with a double edge razor.

I have decided to move, at least temporarily, to the "darkside" and try out an electric shaver. Look for a review of the Braun Series 7 shaver soon.

Still shaving here at Doe Valley

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