February 11, 2009

Book Review

Colossians & Philemon – The MacArthur New Testament Commentary Series

I just finished reading this commentary on Colossians and Philemon by John MacArthur.

MacArthur provides thorough Scriptural commentary throughout this book.

He starts by providing a thorough background about the book of Colossians and Philemon. This includes information about the author, the city of Colossae, the church at Colossae, and the situations that were occurring there. MacArthur also provides the same for Philemon.

MacArthur’s commentaries are mainly expository. Meaning, he takes scripture and explains it with other scripture. MacArthur does digress into other scripture or theological topics at times, but I believe he does this so anyone reading this commentary would be able to understand other scriptural passages that he references.

I would highly recommend The MacArthur New Testament Commentary Series to anyone looking for an in-depth Biblical explanation of Scripture.


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