Edwards’ issues are: (these are from his campaign website)
- Restore America’s moral leadership in the world
- Guarantee affordable health care for all American’s
- Eliminate poverty
- Strengthen the middle class
- Fight global warming and America’s addition to foreign oil
Restore America’s moral leadership in the world – excellent idea, except for the fact that he is not the person to do it. How can he charge a University $55,000 to speak about poverty!?! See yesterday’s post for more information.
Guarantee affordable health care for all Americans – another good idea, except there is a lot of government control in his plan. We all know how the government works! I don’t want them running my healthcare program.
Eliminate poverty – again, excellent idea, it will be a challenging task. The starting place is to get the American people to realize their greed. This of course would include the greed of politicians as well.
Strengthen the middle class – I am not sure what he means here. If by strengthening the middle class he means expanding it, then I guess he wants to have only two classes: the rich people and everyone else or the rich and the poor. I wonder which class he and the other politicians will belong to?
Fight global warming and America’s addition to foreign oil – there still is little evidence of human caused global warming. As for America’s addition to foreign oil, we do have our own oil, the liberal earth lovers just won’t allow us to get it! Although, I do agree and have stated before that American’s could make slight lifestyle changes that would reduce the demand for oil and other resources.
That’s all for today! I will be letting my brain rest next week, so surf back in June!
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