April 29, 2008

Coke or Merlo?

The creative guru’s of the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board are at it again. This time they are requesting proposals for the creation of wine vending machines! They, of course, use a more respectable term by calling them "kiosks". They would like to install 100 of these kiosks in what they term “satellite wine store locations”.

I guess it makes sense, we have legalized slot machine gambling. (In other related news, the PA Gaming Control board has been hearing of complaints about children at the slot machines. Read the story here for more information) So when the high-class gamblers of Pennsylvania lose their money at the Casino’s they can take their last dollar and jam it into a wine kiosk to drink their sorrows away.

This will also be of great comfort to those wine-o’s that really need a drink and can't get to a state store for their fix.

The temperature of the wine will be between 50 and 60 degrees with a relative humidity of at least 50%, but not greater than 80%.

The RFP does require the company manufacturing the kiosks to prevent minors from being able to purchase the wine. In fact, the kids are not even allowed to look at the wine in the vending machine. There also needs to be a way to determine if the person purchasing the wine is already drunk. Of course, the PLCB also requests that some type of loyalty card be used as well, you know, as a way to reward those loyal drinkers!

Oh, and just in case you did spend your last dollar at the casino, the machine will accept credit cards!

Pennsylvania’s leadership gets better and better each day.

Is it any wonder why this state and nation is in such bad shape?

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