August 18, 2008

Chapter #1 - Political Involvement: A Christian Perspective

Chapter #1 - Political Involvement: A Christian Perspective

"During the past twenty-five years, well-meaning Christians have founded a number of evangelical activist organizations and put millions of dollars into them in an illconceived effort to counteract the secular undermining of American culture." Page 5

What is the undermining of American culture? It is our legislators and judicial system that have sanctioned same-sex unions, abortions, criminals rights, and so on.

As Christians we know these types of activities are wrong. However, the problem with being against these types of activities politically is the fact that people (Christians) can turn against the people personally instead of just politically.

"Believers become antagonistic toward the very lost people God has called to love and reach with the gospel." Page 5

Thus, they hate the sin and the sinner.

"Over the past several centuries, people have mistakenly linked democracy and political freedom to Christianity." Page 6

"The United States was actually born out of a violation of New Testament principles, and any blessing that God has bestowed on America have come in spite of the disobedience by the Founding Fathers." Pages 6-7

"The ideal human government can ultimately do nothing to advance God's kingdom, and the worst, most despotic worldly government in the end cannot halt the power of the Holy Spirit or the spread of God's Word." Page 7

"A certain amount of healthy and balanced concern with current trends in government and the community is acceptable, as long as we realize that such interest is not vital to our spiritual growth, our righteous testimony, or the advancement of the kingdom of Christ. Above all, the believer's political involvement should never displace the priority of preaching and teaching the gospel." Page 8

"Christ did not come to promote some new social agenda or establish a new moral order." Page 11

The Apostle Paul tells us that we need to reject the ungodly ways of this world. We cannot compromise the truth of God's Word. We are to present the world with the gospel of Christ. Anything else that does not promote God's Kingdom should not be the focus of our life.

More to come with Chapter 2. Leave some comments if you want.

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